
  • If you not 100% satisfied with your product for whatever reason, please contact us within 14 days of purchase and we will try any resolve any issues you may have.
  • You may return any items to us within 14 days of receipt. This item must be unused and in its original packaging.
  • You the buyer, must pay the full post and packing cost of returning the item, within 14 days of receipt, including damaged or faulty goods, , as all items are checked before dispatched except electrical goods-i.e. battery or mains operated items.
  • A replacement will be sent or a credit will be given, we will require you to return the faulty product back to us. We will refund postage costs incurred if you return any item to us that is deemed faulty.
  • Alternatively if you live locally, you may want to save on your postage, please give us a call or email us and we will provide you a time and day to drop off your item.